How to earn money by live video streaming your event.

Event streaming make money

Event Live streaming doesn’t just save money – it can make it too The first and most obvious way to earn money from live streaming your event is through a PPV (pay per view) service.  If you opt in for this method, we lock down the website so that only those who pay can get […]

8 x 6 foot projection screen and projector for hire in Newbury, Swindon, Reading, Slough, Oxford, Berkshire and the surrounding areas

projection screen newbury berkshire theal thatcham slough swindon oxford projector

Projection – the key to a great event We’ve got several new 8 x 6 foot projection screens to hire, perfect for conferences, weddings, award shows and private functions. With it, we can also hire one of our 2500L or 5000L projectors. If you’re unsure which one you’ll need, we’ll be able to help you […]

Equipment hire and AV installs for pubs and clubs in Newbury, Reading, Swindon, Oxford, Slough, Berkshire and the surrounding areas

pub av equipment and installs hire berkshire thatcham newbury stockcross reading theale

AV Services for pubs and clubs If you’re a  pub owner in the south of England we have a number of AV services that may be of interest to you. AV equipment hire For special parties, beer festivals or outdoor events and functions, hiring larger equipment can be preferable to buying your own. We have […]

Gym AV equipment hire and installs in Oxford, Newbury, Slough, Swindon, Reading, Berkshire and the surrounding areas

Gym av equipment hire tv speaker systems installs newbury berkshire thatcham theale reading

AV Services without the burn Most gyms have their own AV equipment for running classes and small events, but if your one doesn’t, here’s some services we offer that might be of interest to you. If you run classes (indoor and outdoor), dance events, award shows etc, then why not hire a PA system and […]

Cables for hire in Berkshire

cables hire equipment av company hire

Cables – the easily forgotten part of any event Organising events can be a struggle, especially when it comes to remembering the little things. The musicians and the DJ may have been bought and paid for, but are you sure there’s enough XLR and jack cables to allow their set-ups to work? If you’re unsure […]

Video Production Services in Newbury, Oxford, Reading, Slough, Swindon, Berkshire and the Surrounding Areas

Cutting edge video production from AVE | Services As well as offering events equipment hire and live streaming, we also have a dedicated team of experienced and talented video production specialists, filmographers, video editors and camera operators to record your event. Our staff have worked at conferences and weddings (and even a music video or […]

Freelance technician hire in Newbury, Oxford, Reading, Slough, Swindon, Berkshire and the surrounding areas

freelance technician sound lighting AV berkshire newbury oxford reading slough swindon

Let the technology be the technician’s worry If you’ve got all the AV equipment you need for your event but need someone to help operate it, we can help! We have many reliable and talented technicians who are keen to help with any task your event needs. Our professional lighting and sound technicians have worked […]