Theale village fete 2017

AVE Services was there on the slightly wet day at Theale Village Fete which took take place at North Street Playing Fields on Saturday July 15th from 12 noon until 4pm. Through a fun packed range of activities and attractions, this not-for-profit event aims to bring the whole community of Theale together and give local […]

Screen Hire in John Lewis & Waitrose, Basingstoke

AVE Services provided a weekend hire of two 50″ screens on wheeled trolley stands to stagecoach Performing Arts where they love to bring out the best in every child through the wonderful world of Singing, Dancing and Acting. Stagecoach were situated in Waitrose and John Lewis Basingstoke, Hampshire where they had a display of balloons and […]

50″ Exhibition screen hire in Southampton Hampshire

AVE Services has recently supplied 50″ screens to exhibitions in the Hampshire area. The first one in Southampton, Hampshire was for Seawork International which is Europe’s largest commercial marine and workboat exhibition. Seawork is regarded as the industry’s one-stop-shop, providing buyers, legislators and influencers with direct access to the commercial marine and workboat market, its […]

Hannington country fair public outdoor multizone PA system

On the 25th June AVE Services provided the PA system for the Hannington country fair in the idyllic village on the A339 between Newbury, Berkshire and Basingstoke, Hampshire. The fair had over 80 sideshows and stalls in the two fields that it was spread over. The queue to get into the fair car park tailgated […]

E3 Gaming Fair News

The new Xbox one X has been unveiled at E3, they have really gone out of their way to push the PS4 out of the limelight.  CPU Cores Eight custom Jaguar-derived cores, 2.3GHz   GPU Spec 40 Compute Units, 1172MHz, 6TF   Die Size/ Process 360mm2 – TSMC 16nm FinFET   Memory 12GB GDDR5 at 6.8gbps, […]

Apple’s HomePod

Take a look at the new Apple product the HomePod. The HomePod comes to the market three years after Amazon’s Echo device. Although they haven’t rushed into this development they do want you to know it is about music. The intelligent assistant part is secondary. That’s reflected both in the name, which harks back to […]

Prototype Flight Suit

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Early in 2016, Richard Browning had a vision. He wanted to build a viable anti-gravity jet-engine suit and inspire solo human flight. Throughout 2016 he designed, built, redesigned and rebuilt his prototype flight suit – Daedalus – testing, developing and reiterating for a year before getting to the working model you see today. His […]

New LED Lighting available to hire

We have a new range of LED lighting available to hire Housing 7 x 5W quad-colour LEDs, the Slimline uplighter LED Light gives smooth colour mixing from rich saturated hues to subtle pastel shades. These units have rugged, all metal housing and measure only 99mm in depth for easy transportation and installation. They are also […]

Live Streaming Meetings, Conferences And Events

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]AVE Services can provide live streaming services for many occasions, with our 4g mast we are able to have a reliable and stable live streaming platform. We have been recently streaming into a Jive platform for one of our clients, so that all of the employees around the globe can watch their quarterly meetings. AVE can […]