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During September AVE Services had the privilege of being apart of the team that helped unveil the USAAF memorials that had been moved from Greenham Business Park. The Royal British Legion Branch Secretary, Keith Williams explained during the service that a passing remark to an American visitor sparked the idea to re-site the memorials from […]
As Christmas approached, AVE were hired by Argos to supply AV equipment to their distribution centre in Reading. The meeting that was being held on the top floor had a Christmas theme to it as a few decorations appeared. Which included some cheeky elves who decided to borrow our tape and get wrapped up in […]
In Reading, Berkshire on a wet evening, AVE Services setup a companies social party in the popular restaurant and bar, Revolución de Cuba Reading. The 200 employees came from all over the country to get together for the evening of entertainment. The party was a Britain’s got talent spin where 10 different groups from the […]
Hidden away in the Wiltshire countryside is Swindon’s Science Museum and we had the privilege of working on the grounds for a week. The museum isn’t open to the public, however in 2023 they plan to open for the first time once the 280,000 sq ft warehouse is built. The buildings currently only accessible for […]
In September AVE Services travelled to the West of Wales to Margam Castle for a hire for Mercedes Benz of Cardiff. In the beautiful settings of the castle in the orangery the dealership had a display of their working vehicles available to businesses and trades people. This ranged from their smallest van to the largest […]
We recently visited the headquarters of Hilton in Watford for an employee question time session. The 80 employees that had gathered were offered a question and answer session with three of the top managers in the building and were allowed to ask anything. It also gave the Managers a chance to explain new changes that […]